Event Summary
As the energy industry seeks to decarbonize, CO2 pipelines will be needed at various key gathering and sequestration points to capture, compress and sequester CO2. This course focuses on the machinery for CO2 compression and storage. As operators worldwide begin to capture CO2 at low, nearly atmospheric pressures, the power expended to compress the gas and transport it for sequestration becomes critical. Safe and reliable design will be imperative to support this developing, critical decarbonization market.
Learning Objectives
Understanding thermodynamics of CO2 gas and how it differs from pipeline natural gas mixtures. Development of operator-side compression standard requirements and typical operator specifications related to CO2 pipelines. Obtaining an understanding of the major technology types of centrifugal compressors (between bearings, integrally geared, axial), reciprocating compressors (low speed and high speed) and supercritical CO2 pumps for CO2 pipeline compression.